(808) 938-5050    License #C-34053

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(808) 938-5050
License #C-34053 


glass mosaic roman tubA full glass mosaic shower stall with roman tub .


20151106 tile styles shower hilo 0Many people like to remodel parts of their house for the holiday season. We helped homeowners achieve their holiday plans this year and met their holiday deadlines.


tile styles luxury bathroomTreat yourself to the resort comfort of this luxury styled master bathroom.


gary the water testerGary just joined out staff and will personally be inspecting every shower floor to guarantee each shower pan is leak proof and ready for a long lasting tile job.


annette tile 3 tile stylesI had the pleasure of installing five bathrooms in this client's new home. Here's a sample of one.  We used 12'x24" on floors and walls.


tile styles king beforeUnexpected repairs are surprising and unfortunate but you can turn them into a positive opportunity. 

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